Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Happy Summer!

It's Tuesday morning and the halls are quiet. I'm still surprised at how quickly this very unconventional year has flown by.

As I look around my semi-boxed-up, ready-for-summer-cleaning classroom, it astounds me to think 
how much learning and growing we did this year together as a team both while together in-class and from afar via our classroom blog, Showbie and Teams. Through ups and downs, we set goals, celebrated successes, worked hard, had fun, learned and shared some hard lessons, collaborated with our peers, set new standards for ourselves, set out on field trip adventures and truly grew into our roles as " les chevaliers."

And, because this blog was created for and truly belongs to you, the students, I am signing off by letting your words share what this year has meant to you. 
Wishing you all the most wonderful summer!

À la prochaine, mes amis!
Mme Careen 😊

I would normally post a last-day-of-school pic here, but COVID had other plans.
Please enjoy this First Day throw back instead! :)


My favourite memory of my Grade 6 year was at the beginning of the year when we were all new to middle school. It was cool to start learning all together. - Hazel

My favourite garde six memory would have to be our field trip to Festival du Voyageur. It was my favourite because it was a fun time with my friends and I learned lots of new things. - Abbey

My favourite part of the grade 6 year was when we did our little planets with extra -terrestrials because there were so many memorable aliens to see. - Brennan

I loved it when we did the circle and we did the talk all together.
I loved also learning with Mme Careen! - Nathan

My favourite grade 6 memory was growing our space tomato plants!
My favourite part was figuring out which one was from space. - Jackson

My favourite part of grade 6 was the first day of school because I got to meet so many awesome people. - Austin

My favourite memory of grade 6 was the first day of school, I was nervous at the time but then it got better. It was fun having a locker to have all your stuff in and it was also great to meet the different people in the class of 6-4. - Micah

My favourite memory was when we built marshmallow towers. We measured them and then ate them. - Miguel

My favourite gr6 memories are having lunch with all my friends and reading for 10 min before English class started! - Sam

Monday, June 15, 2020

Week 12 - The Bonus Week of Learning!

Hello, friends!
Happy Monday!

In Showbie this week you will find a new folder entitled "L'apprentissage continue!" and within this folder are a collection of different Math and Français activities that you may choose to complete over the next two weeks if you're looking for a way to stay engaged in Français and Math a bit longer. Included are short FC videos, some challenging Math problems to really make you think and links to some online FC reading sites for daily reading. These activities are NOT mandatory; just some options to keep you busy on a rainy day or to tackle together as a family to really get your brains working! :)

All other previously assigned tasks are still available and can still be completed even if the due date has passed. I will be assessing and offering feedback on all previously assigned tasks that are submitted up to end of day Friday If you have any questions while you are working, please post them in Showbie and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I'm looking forward to meeting with some of you at school this week and hope that the rest of us will have a chance to connect before the end of the year. Please see the email I sent out to families today for more info :)
Wishing you all a great week!

le lundi 15 juin - le vendredi 19 juin

Fait de la semaine: Il pousse environ 150 000 cheveux sur ta tête actuellement.

Rappel: Réunion de classe ce matin à 10h30 en Teams!
*This week's question: What's the toughest part about being a kid?

1. Visiter Showbie et compléter les tâches que vous n'avez pas encore eu la chance a compléter.
* Options en FC: Zamboni, Le chandail de hockey, Connais-tu Maurice Richard, ton Biographie, CFOO, etc.
* Options en MT: L'unité de pourcentages, L'unité des égalités.
2. Visiter "L'apprentissage continue!" pour compléter des activités divers!

{ 1. Visit Showbie to complete previously assigned tasks that you have not yet had a chance to complete. Options in FC: Zamboni, Le chandail de hockey, Connais-tu Maurice Richard, ton Biographie, CFOO, etc. 2. Visit the "L'apprentissage continue!" folder in Showbie for a list of optional activities that will keep you connected en français until the end of the year. }

Friday, June 12, 2020

Weekly Re-cap : The 11th - and Final - Edition.

And, here we are! The end of Week 11!
Despite today being an Inservice Day, I still wanted to publish a weekly re-cap so that you could do a final check of all the tasks that were assigned this past week.
Please note: Even though I am writing Term 3 reports as you read this, it is not too late to hand in any tasks that have been assigned over the past 11 weeks. I will continue to assess and offer feedback on assignments that are handed in up to and including June 19 (which is my final cut-off for report revisions). That being said, please do not hang on to all of your assignments until that time. The earlier and the more frequently your work comes in, the better!
Many thanks for all of your efforts throughout this time of remote learning!
Wishing you all a very happy weekend! :)

💚 Mme Careen

UPDATE on Teams meetings info that was posted Monday:
My schedule will be shifting slightly moving into next week as we (teachers) will now be in daily meetings at school and scheduling one-on-one or small-group meetings with students. As a result, the following changes have been made to our Teams meetings for next week. Teams meeting times for the week of June 22 are still TBD and will be confirmed by the end of next week.
 Thank you for your patience and flexibility!
Reminder of Teams meetings next week:
Weekly check-in: Monday, June 15 at 10:30.
*This week's question: What's the toughest part about being a kid?
One-on-one sessions in Teams (for additional school work support) - as requested.
Information on in-school appointments, as referred to in the email sent out by the school office, will be sent out via email on Monday.


le vendredi 12 juin

Fait de la semaine: Les empreintes de la truffe (le nez) d'un chien sont tout aussi uniques que les empreintes digitales chez l'humain.

1. CONCEPTS - les pourcentages
[New lessons posted for Mon, Tues + Wed.]

(Older items you could catch up on: any previous Égalités lessons posted, If the World Were a Village lesson.)

Check out these great "Math Names" that have already come in! Great work, friends! :)

1. LECTURE: Zamboni Chapitres 7 à 12 (Lectures et réponses aux questions). [Monday-Thursday] 
2. À l'ORALE: Biography voice/video recording [Assigned June 1, due ASAP]
3. Biography final draft - Final drafts due ASAP; Original drafts will be marked as is if changes are not placed in Showbie by end of day today.
(Older items you could catch up on: Intro unit - Le hockey, CFOO#9, Une vielle grotte.)

This week in ELA we finished reading Papergirl! What a journey we have been on with Cassie and her crew! If you haven’t had a chance to read it all yet, no worries! You can jump in when you can. Once you start, you will not be able to put this book down!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday (Week 11)


le jeudi 11 juin

Fait de la semaine: Les empreintes de la truffe (le nez) d'un chien sont tout aussi uniques que les empreintes digitales chez l'humain.

Rappel: Aide supplémentaire ce matin à 10h00 en Teams!


*CONCEPTS: Les pourcentages!
Nous continuons le concept de pourcentages aujourd'hui. La dernière leçon était affiché hier. Vos produits finals seront affichés sur notre blog à la fin de la semaine!
Visiter Showbie pour la leçon. 
{ We are continuing with our unit on percents today. The final lesson was posted yesterday. The final product will be posted on our blog at the end of the week!
 Please see the lesson posted in Showbie. }


LECTURE: Étude de roman - ZAMBONI
Nous terminons notre étude de roman aujourd'hui avec Chapitre 12! Visiter Showbie pour la leçon. Bonne lecture! :)
{ We are finishing our novel study today with Chapter 12! Visit Showbie for the lesson.
Happy reading! }

À L'ORALE:  La lecture de vos biographies
Rappel: N'oublier pas d'enregistrer la lecture de ton biographie!
Vous avez deux choix: enregistrer ta voix en Showbie en forme de "voice note" sur ton texte, OU tu peux prendre une vidéo de ta présentation. C'est à toi!
Créér ton "Voice Note" ou placer la vidéo de votre présentation dans le dossier "Brouillon tapé."
Vous avez jusqu'au jeudi 11 juin pour compléter cette tâche, alors vous avez BEAUCOUP de temps à pratiquer et pratiquer! Bon courage! :)
{ Reminder: Please record the reading/presentation of your biography text as soon as possible! 
You have two choices: record your voice in Showbie as a "voice note" on your text, OR you can take a video of you presenting your text. It's up to you! Create your voice note or place the video of your presentation in the "Brouillon tapé" folder. You have until Thursday, June 11th to complete this task. Good luck! :) }

ÉCRITURE:  Biographies
Un dernier rappel que toutes les révisions de biographie sont à remettre aussi tôt que possible. J'aimerais commencé à les lire et les évaluer dès que possible, alors place moi un "👍 " en Showbie si ton brouillon est près à lire. Merci! :)
{ A final reminder that biography text revisions are due as soon as possible. I'd like to start reading and assessing the final drafts as soon as I can, so if you could take a quick second to give me "👍 " in Showbie when your text is ready to go, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you! }

LaLaLa: La lecture indépendante guidée
* Visiter le site "Je lis" pour compléter votre lecture quotidienne. Visiter Showbie pour votre log-in info si n'avez pas encore visiter le site.
{ Daily reading with the "Je lis" site. Visit Showbie for log-in info. }

We are continuing with our Papergirl novel study today. Check out the Daily Check In video for all the info!

* Il n'y a rien de nouveau affiché en Science pour aujourd'hui.
{ There is no new Science task for today. }

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wednesday (Week 11)

le mercredi 10 juin

Fait de la semaine: Les empreintes de la truffe (le nez) d'un chien sont tout aussi uniques que les empreintes digitales chez l'humain.


*CONCEPTS: Les pourcentages!
Nous continuons le concept de pourcentages aujourd'hui. La dernière leçon est affiché et vous aurez 2 journées à la compléter. Vos produits finals seront affichés sur notre blog à la fin de la semaine!
Visiter Showbie pour la leçon. 
{ We are continuing with our unit on percents today. The final lesson is posted and students will have 2 days to complete. The final product will be posted on our blog at the end of the week!
 Please see the lesson posted in Showbie. }


LECTURE: Étude de roman - ZAMBONI
Nous continuons notre étude de roman aujourd'hui avec Chapitres 10 + 11. Visiter Showbie pour les leçons. Bonne lecture! :)
{ We are continuing our novel study today with Chapters 10 + 11. Visit Showbie for the lessons.
Happy reading! }

À L'ORALE:  La lecture de vos biographies
Rappel: N'oublier pas d'enregistrer la lecture de ton biographie!
Vous avez deux choix: enregistrer ta voix en Showbie en forme de "voice note" sur ton texte, OU tu peux prendre une vidéo de ta présentation. C'est à toi!
Créér ton "Voice Note" ou placer la vidéo de votre présentation dans le dossier "Brouillon tapé."
Vous avez jusqu'au jeudi 11 juin pour compléter cette tâche, alors vous avez BEAUCOUP de temps à pratiquer et pratiquer! Bon courage! :)
{ Reminder: Please record the reading/presentation of your biography text as soon as possible! 
You have two choices: record your voice in Showbie as a "voice note" on your text, OR you can take a video of you presenting your text. It's up to you! Create your voice note or place the video of your presentation in the "Brouillon tapé" folder. You have until Thursday, June 11th to complete this task. Good luck! :) }

ÉCRITURE:  Biographies
Un dernier rappel que toutes les révisions de biographie sont à remettre aussi tôt que possible. J'aimerais commencé à les lire et les évaluer dès que possible, alors place moi un "👍 " en Showbie si ton brouillon est près à lire. Merci! :)
{ A final reminder that biography text revisions are due as soon as possible. I'd like to start reading and assessing the final drafts as soon as I can, so if you could take a quick second to give me "👍 " in Showbie when your text is ready to go, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you! }

LaLaLa: La lecture indépendante guidée
* Visiter le site "Je lis" pour compléter votre lecture quotidienne. Visiter Showbie pour votre log-in info si n'avez pas encore visiter le site.
{ Daily reading with the "Je lis" site. Visit Showbie for log-in info. }

We are continuing with our Papergirl novel study today. Check out the Daily Check In video for all the info!

* Il n'y a rien de nouveau affiché en Science pour aujourd'hui.

{ There is no new Science task for today. }

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Tuesday (Week 11)

le mardi 9 juin

Fait de la semaine: Les empreintes de la truffe (le nez) d'un chien sont tout aussi uniques que les empreintes digitales chez l'humain.

Rappel: Aide supplémentaire ce matin à 10h00 en Teams!


*CONCEPTS: Les pourcentages!
Nous continuons le concept de pourcentages aujourd'hui. Visiter Showbie pour la leçon. 
{ We are continuing with our unit on percents today. Please see the lesson posted in Showbie. }


LECTURE: Étude de roman - ZAMBONI
Nous continuons notre étude de roman aujourd'hui avec les Chapitres 8 + 9. Visiter Showbie pour les leçons. Bonne lecture! :)
{ We are continuing our novel study today with Chapters 8 + 9. Visit Showbie for the lessons.
Happy reading! }

À L'ORALE:  La lecture de vos biographies
Rappel: N'oublier pas d'enregistrer la lecture de ton biographie!
Vous avez deux choix: enregistrer ta voix en Showbie en forme de "voice note" sur ton texte, OU tu peux prendre une vidéo de ta présentation. C'est à toi!
Créér ton "Voice Note" ou placer la vidéo de votre présentation dans le dossier "Brouillon tapé."
Vous avez jusqu'au jeudi 11 juin pour compléter cette tâche, alors vous avez BEAUCOUP de temps à pratiquer et pratiquer! Bon courage! :)
{ Reminder: Please record the reading/presentation of your biography text as soon as possible! 
You have two choices: record your voice in Showbie as a "voice note" on your text, OR you can take a video of you presenting your text. It's up to you! Create your voice note or place the video of your presentation in the "Brouillon tapé" folder. You have until Thursday, June 11th to complete this task. Good luck! :) }

ÉCRITURE:  Biographies
Un dernier rappel que toutes les révisions de biographie sont à remettre aussi tôt que possible. J'aimerais commencé à les lire et les évaluer dès que possible, alors place moi un "👍 " en Showbie si ton brouillon est près à lire. Merci! :)
{ A final reminder that biography text revisions are due as soon as possible. I'd like to start reading and assessing the final drafts as soon as I can, so if you could take a quick second to give me "👍 " in Showbie when your text is ready to go, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you! }

LaLaLa: La lecture indépendante guidée
* Visiter le site "Je lis" pour compléter votre lecture quotidienne. Visiter Showbie pour votre log-in info si n'avez pas encore visiter le site.
{ Daily reading with the "Je lis" site. Visit Showbie for log-in info. }

We are continuing with our Papergirl novel study today. Check out the Daily Check In video for all the info!

* Il n'y a rien de nouveau affiché en Science pour aujourd'hui.

{ There is no new Science task for today. }

Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday is Here! (Week 11)

It has arrived! The last official week of remote learning is here!

This week we will work on: finishing our percents unit in Math and wrapping up our Zamboni novel study and our biography texts in Français. You will also be working on your Papergirl novel study in ELA (and listening to the finale of Mars Patel if you haven't already done so)!

Announcements for the week:

1. Exciting news! After a very long wait, the audio portion of the "Je lis" website was FINALLY been restored! If you've been holding off on your daily reading in anticipation of the audio being fixed, wait no more! The link to the site, along with your username and password, are posted in Showbie, "FRANÇAIS - LALALA." Bonne lecture! :)

2. Please continue to work through the daily posted tasks (and previously posted assignments) as best you are able. I will be writing Term 3 reports this Friday, so the more I see posted from you the better! Please remember that I can only give feedback on tasks that are 'handed in' to Showbie; if you complete a task, please post your answers. No work submitted = Mme Careen not being able to celebrate the fact that you been working hard over the past 11 weeks!

3. In-person school visits. I have received a few inquiries about what visits will look like as we move forward through to the end of June. The real answer: I am not sure just yet because things are ever-changing. What I do know: a handful of students were invited in this week for one-on-one meetings based on a list of criteria provided to us by our admin team (as you saw in the email sent home from the office the last week of May). After this week, we are hoping to continue reaching out to students - possibly in small groups -  to offer a time to come in and connect, but, no further info about that has been shared at this time. I will be sure to reach out and connect with you as soon as I know more. Thank you for your patience and flexibility with this process. :)

4. Teams meetings and school work after this week: No new work will be assigned in Showbie after this week, but you are still welcome (and encouraged!) to continue completing any previously assigned tasks for feedback. Additionally, I will be posting a few optional activities that can be completed if and when you have time. These activities will be posted with the goal of keeping you connected to "Français" a while longer before the summer months. 

As for Teams meetings, I will continue our weekly check-ins and our extra-help sessions for the week of June 15 (next week), and will then re-evaluate based on direction provided from the school. Requests for one-on-one meetings are still most welcome!

Well, here we go one last - and mighty! - time. Week 11, here we come! :)

le lundi 8 juin

Fait de la semaine: Les empreintes de la truffe (le nez) d'un chien sont tout aussi uniques que les empreintes digitales chez l'humain.

Rappel: Réunion de classe ce matin à 10h00 en Teams!
*This week's question: Would you rather travel to space or travel around the world?


*CONCEPTS: Les pourcentages!
Nous continuons le concept de pourcentages aujourd'hui. Visiter Showbie pour la leçon. 
{ We are continuing with our unit on percents today. Please see the lesson posted in Showbie. }


LECTURE: Étude de roman - ZAMBONI

Nous continuons notre étude de roman aujourd'hui avec Chapitre 7. Visiter Showbie pour la leçon. Bonne lecture! :)
{ We are continuing our novel study today with Chapter 7. Visit Showbie for the lesson.
Happy reading! }

À L'ORALE:  La lecture de vos biographies
Rappel: N'oublier pas d'enregistrer la lecture de ton biographie!
Vous avez deux choix: enregistrer ta voix en Showbie en forme de "voice note" sur ton texte, OU tu peux prendre une vidéo de ta présentation. C'est à toi!
Créér ton "Voice Note" ou placer la vidéo de votre présentation dans le dossier "Brouillon tapé."
Vous avez jusqu'au jeudi 11 juin pour compléter cette tâche, alors vous avez BEAUCOUP de temps à pratiquer et pratiquer! Bon courage! :)
{ Reminder: Please record the reading/presentation of your biography text as soon as possible! 
You have two choices: record your voice in Showbie as a "voice note" on your text, OR you can take a video of you presenting your text. It's up to you! Create your voice note or place the video of your presentation in the "Brouillon tapé" folder. You have until Thursday, June 11th to complete this task. Good luck! :) }

ÉCRITURE:  Biographies
Un dernier rappel que toutes les révisions de biographie sont à remettre aussi tôt que possible. J'aimerais commencé à les lire et les évaluer dès que possible, alors place moi un "👍 " en Showbie si ton brouillon est près à lire. Merci! :)
{ A final reminder that biography text revisions are due as soon as possible. I'd like to start reading and assessing the final drafts as soon as I can, so if you could take a quick second to give me "👍 " in Showbie when your text is ready to go, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you! }

LaLaLa: La lecture indépendante guidée
* Visiter le site "Je lis" pour compléter votre lecture quotidienne. Visiter Showbie pour votre log-in info si n'avez pas encore visiter le site.
{ Daily reading with the "Je lis" site. Visit Showbie for log-in info. }

We are continuing with our Papergirl novel study today.
Check out the Daily Check In video for all the info!

* Il n'y a rien de nouveau affiché en Science pour aujourd'hui.
{ There is no new Science task for today. }