We've made it mid-week and had a great morning of learning together!
In Math, we watched a short BrainPop video about multiplication and played a fun Multiples game with a partner!
Then, in Science, we once again worked in partners to complete a matching activity about the 8 main steps in the Scientific Method.
In Français, after our daily "LA" time and our short grammar lesson, we spent a good amount of time discussing and reviewing our four school beliefs: Respect, Intégrité, Responsabilité, Excellence. Last week, we were asked to reflect on what the four school beliefs might look like in our classroom and today Mme had collated all of our ideas so that we could review and discuss them as a class. Our next step will be to review the typed-up draft of our classroom belief statements (that Mme will work on tonight) before signing and posting our final copy on the wall in our learning space (and here on our blog, too!)
Agenda Items:
1. It's also not too late to share a reading picture! Please snap a pic and email it to acareen@sjsd.net so we can celebrate our lives as readers together as a class!
2. September Scholastic orders - Friday, September 20.
(Orders can be brought in to school (cheques only please) or can be made online at http://scholastic.ca - follow the online prompting to locate Ness Middle School and Mme Careen!)
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