Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday Agenda Items

Happy Wednesday!
The end of Term 1 countdown is on.
1 more day to show our best learning before report cards!


1. Tomatosphère graph and questions  - now overdue
Any students who are not finished should pop in over the noon hour or be coming home with their Science duotangs to finish up their work no later than Thursday of this week.

2. Science Design Process - Thursday
* We have started our short design process activity. We will are working either independently or with a partner of their choice to design a Tomatosphere follow-up experiment using the plants we've grown in class. This will be a 'theoretical experiment' - meaning students will not have to carry out the experiment itself, just create the plan (purpose, hypothesis, materials and method) for the experiment.
Students will have one final work block tomorrow to plan and write the steps of their experiment.

3. Coming soon : Pizza lunch!
When: Thursday, November 28
When to order: In homeroom Wednesday, November 27 a.m.
$2 a slice. (Cheese and pepperoni and cheese).

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