Friday, January 10, 2020


We made it! We can check the first week of 2020 off of our list!
We had a busy morning of learning today...
In Math, we tackled another "nombre de jour."

In Francais, we worked on our new year's resolution sentences and began preparing our CFOO presentations.

In Science, we had a work period for our "béchers et bougie" experiment, with the goal of finishing our graph, questions and conclusion. If we were unable to finish our work in class today, we'll be bringing our Science folder home to finish up our work for Monday.

Have a great weekend! Stay warm! :)


1. Calcul mental Section A - Monday

2. Expérience - Béchers et bougie - Graph and conclusion - Monday

3. CFOO #6 - Recherche
Written text - Thursday, Jan 16
Class presentations - Monday, January 20

4. January Scholastic Orders - due Friday, January 24

5. Science Fair - information about our upcoming Science Fair was discussed in class and sent home today. Project titles are due by Monday, February 3, with the Fair itself being held Wednesday, March 18. Science Fair is optional and all projects must be completed in French.
If you have any questions, please let me know! :)

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