Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Here Comes Week 8!

Hello everyone!
Happy Tuesday! Welcome to Week 8!
I hope you all had a great weekend and are set for a new week of remote learning!

A few announcements for the week:

1. Writing Conferences: We're off to a great start with our Biography revisions! It was so great to meet with many of you last week. If you haven't signed up for a conference, please do so (in Showbie) as soon as possible. And, if you haven't yet submitted your typed Biography draft, please do so (ASAP!) and then sign up for a conference slot. I'm looking forward to meeting with you all!

2. "Je lis" Website - As I posted in Showbie a couple of weeks ago, the audio playback on our Je lis reading website is not working. I have emailed the site twice and they have assured me they are working on it and are hoping to have it up and running again soon. I will keep on top of this and will let you know as soon as it is working again. You are still more than welcome to visit the site and read the books, you just won't have the audio option at this time. I know that many of you were logging in and reading on the site daily, so I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

3. ELA - Did you know that the "numeracy and literacy" focus from the province includes Math, Français AND ELA?! Yes! It's true! Mme Champagne is posting Daily Check In videos for you in your ELA Showbie class, and she is missing connecting with many of you, so please make sure you are checking in with her to see what's new! Make today the day you reconnect in ELA! :)

4.Changes in Teams Meetings for This Week: Our weekly classroom meeting is this (Tuesday) morning at 10:00am and Tuesday's help session has been moved to Wednesday morning at 10:00. Thursday's help session will stay the same. All meetings have already been updated in Teams to reflect these changes.

Alright. Enough talk. Let's get learning!
Have a great week, everyone! :)

le mardi 19 mai

Fait de la semaine: On a découvert dans une tombe égyptienne un morceau de gâteau vieux plus de 4 000 ans.

Rappel: Réunion de classe ce matin à 10h00 en Teams!


*Concepts: L'égalité!
Nous continuons notre unité de la préservation des égalités avec des défis d'égalités!
Suivre la leçon affiché en Showbie (MT: Réso. de prob.)
Vous pouvez compléter les questions aujourd'hui, ou vous pouvez prendre la semaine pour les travailler si vous voulez. Choisir qu'est-ce qui fonctionne bien pour toi et indiquer en Showbie quand tu as fini.
{ We are continuing our Preservation of Equality unit today. Today's task: Equation Equality Challenge! Please see the questions posted in Showbie (MT: Réso de prob). You can complete the questions today, or take the week to complete them as you would like. Post a note in Showbie to let me know when you're done.}

Priorité: Écriture des biographies
Les conférences de révisions continuent cette semaine.
Une fois que ton brouillon est affiché en Showbie, inscrire pour un rendez-vous dans le dossier "Français - Écriture; Conférences de révisions." Ne prend pas une conférence le même jour que tu remets ton texte; il faut que j'ai un peu de temps à lire ton texte avant que nous réunissons. Si tu as déjà remis ton texte, tu es prêt d'enregistrer pour un temps qui te convient.
* Si tu as déjà fait une conférence, complète la liste de corrections/prochaines étapes que nous avons discuté et affiché ton texte de nouveau en Showbie. Une fois que tu as fini, inscrire pour une 2e conférence pour qu'on puisse terminer la révision ensemble. * Le but est d'avoir tous les textes publiés par la fin de mai. *

{ This week's priority is Biography writing conferences and text revisions. Once your rough draft has been submitted to Showbie, please sign up for a conference time in the "Français - Écriture; Conférences de révisions" folder in Showbie. Please do not submit your text and request a conference for editing for the same day - I will need some to time to read and do a first edit before we meet. If your text is already submitted, you're ready to sign up for any slot available!
* If you have already completed your first conference, complete the corrections and list of next steps we discussed and re-post your text in Showbie. Once you're done, sign up for a second conference so we can do the final revision together. Our goal is to have all of our textes published by the end of May. }

À compléter des dernières deux semaines:
Compléter les tâches affichés ci-dessous. Si vous avez déjà complété tous les travaux - et vous avez vérifié et complété les corrections/révisions notés - vous pouvez continuer la lecture du site "Je lis" ou vous pouvez complété les "Français Home Resources" affichés en Showbie. (Ou vous pouvez compléter les autres travaux de Mathé ou ELA que vous n'avez pas encore eu la chance à faire.)
Please complete the following items from the last two weeks.
If you have completed all of the tasks below (and have checked your worked to see if Mme has given you feedback for improvement) and have made all of your revisions and corrections suggested during your writing conference, please complete your French reading on the "Je lis" site or visit the Français Home Resources posted in Showbie. (Or work to complete the other Math or ELA lessons that you have not yet had a chance to get to.)

Compréhension Orale: L'occasion spéciale
* Visiter Showbie pour la leçon.
 { Please visit Showbie for the lesson. }

Compréhension orale: Vidéos de Léon
* Les vidéos de Léon! Visiter Showbie pour les vidéos et les questions.
{ Les vidéos de Léon! Please visit Showbie for the lesson. }

Production Orale: La lecture de poèmes
* Continuer à pratiquer ton poème et enregistrer ta voix en Showbie quand tu es prêt.
{ Keep practicing your poem and record your voice in Showbie when you're ready. }

Compréhension Écrite : Une vielle grotte

* Lire le texte et répondre aux questions. Visiter Showbie, "Français LaLaLa: Une vielle grotte."
 { Read the text and answer the questions. Visit Showbie "Français LaLaLa: Une vielle grotte." }  

Production Orale: CFOO #9
* N'oublie pas ton CFOO! À remettre par la fin du mois.
{ Don't forget your CFOO! Due in Showbie by the end of May. }

LaLaLa: La lecture indépendante guidée
* Visiter le site "Je lis" pour compléter votre lecture quotidienne. Visiter Showbie pour votre log-in info si n'avez pas encore visiter le site.
{ Daily reading with the "Je lis" site. Visit Showbie for log-in info. }

We are continuing along with our new writing adventure! Check out the Daily Check In video for all the details!

* Il n'y a rien de nouveau affiché en Science pour aujourd'hui. Visiter le dossier en Showbie pour continuer le travail qui est déjà affiché.
{ There is no new Science task for today. Please visit Showbie to continue working on the previously posted tasks. }

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