Saturday morning, Jack has a soccer game that starts at 8:30 a.m. It takes him a third of an hour to get ready, 4 minutes to make his bed, 13 minutes to eat breakfast, and 18 minutes to ride his bicycle to the soccer field. If he has to be at the field 25 minutes before the game starts, what time does he have to wake up?
Agenda items:
1. Practice writing your first name in cursive writing.
2. Calcul Mental Section A - tomorrow
3. Pizza lunch! - Thursday, November 28
Orders accepted in homeroom on Wednesday, November 27 a.m.
$2 a slice. (Cheese and pepperoni and cheese).
4. Scholastic Orders due Monday, December 2 to ensure delivery before Christmas.
(Visit online for full access to all the book titles. Additional paper flyers can be sent home on request).
5. CFOO #4 - Les opinions - Tuesday, December 3.
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