Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thursday!

Hello, learning friends!
We had a great day morning of learning together!

In Math, we started learning about place value and listened to the story, Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens.

Next, in Français, after our daily reading time, we sat together in small groups and shared our goals with one another.

Lastly, in Science, we continued our discussion about the Sun and read the story, The Sun is Kind of a Big Deal.

What a fun day! :)

Agenda items:

1. Calcul Mental Section B - Friday

2. Journée des chevaliers - Friday
*Wear your Chevaliers gear or school colours (grey, black, white, green) on Friday to show your school spirit!

3. Scholastic Orders due Monday, December 2 to ensure delivery before Christmas.
(Visit online for full access to all the book titles. Additional paper flyers can be sent home on request).

4. CFOO #4 - Les opinions - Tuesday, December 3.

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