Friday, March 27, 2020

Weekly Recap!

Hello, learning families!
We did it! We made it through the first week of our home-learning adventure! Woohoo!

Below, you will find a general recap of the learning activities we worked on this week.
If you were able to cross some of them off your list, awesome! If many of them are still a work in progress, that's ok! They'll be here for you when you are ready to tackle them. :)

If you are taking a break from learning over the coming week, please enjoy your time at home or out walking in the community. If you are choosing to get caught up on some work over spring break (like some families have already indicated to me), that is fine, too. Our blog and the Showbie resources will be here for you! 

As of 5:00 pm today (Friday) I will not be checking my school email until the Monday after spring break (April 6). I may be logging in to Showbie from time to time to stay on top of assessing all of the great work that is coming in, but it will not be a daily, scheduled thing. If any questions about assignments do come up, please keep on posting them, and I will respond to them when I can.

Thank you all again for your incredible work this week. Your patience and flexibility are truly appreciated!
Looking forward to connecting with you all again in April.
Take good care,
Mme Careen 😊

Check out some of our learning spaces! We are great learners even when we're at home! :)

PEDMAS mystery pictures! 

These students are working just as hard as we are!
Some of these equations were NOT easy! Good work, everyone! :)


* Daily reading in French*

* Concepts: PEDMAS - lots of activities here! (Colouring page, PEDMAS booklet (complete 4 pages and correct), 
"Défi - Priorité.")
* Mental Math - New multiplication strategy. Complete first 10 questions and Section A and then correct.
* Problem solving - "Combien de 7s" / "How Many 7s" question (designed to be done on a vertical non-permanent space with an Expo marker if possible, but can be completed however works best at home).
* Problem solving - "Kim et bonbons" question.

* Listening activity - La poule
* Critical Thinking - respond to question
* Listening activity - Vraiment Top
* LaLaLa activity - Song "La vie est belle"
* CFOO #8 - preparing and videoing speech
* Writing - Biography text (Finish writing 3rd paragraph, revise and begin editing all three body paragraphs, identify past tense verbs and use posted supports to begin proper conjugation).

* BrainPop Videos (Les saisons, Les solstices et équinoxes, Le système solaire)
* Bill Nye Video - Planets


Bonjour les élèves! C'est vendredi!
Bienvenue à jour 4 de notre apprentissage! :)

Fait de la semaine: Les étoiles de mer n'ont pas de cerveau.


Concepts: La priorité des opérations (PEDMAS).
* Aujourd'hui, pour s'amuser un peu, nous allons compléter les dernières deux pages de notre livret de PEDMAS. Les réponses vont être affichées en Showbie cette après-midi. Vérifier ton travail une fois que tu as fini!

Résolution de problèmes: "Kim et les bonbons"
* Aujourd'hui, nous allons travailler une question de résolution de problème. C'est une des deux feuilles bleues que vous avez ramasser de l'école. La question est écrite en français et en anglais au cas que vous avez besoin de soutien de vos parents. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas de m'envoyer une note en Showbie. N'oublier pas que vous pouvez aussi travailler cette question sur une surface verticale avec vos stylos feutres Expo avant d'écrire votre travail sur la feuille. Bonne chance!

Mme a écrit sur sa fenêtre! :) 
Les miroirs et les assiettes en plastique fonctionnent bien aussi! 


"LaLaLa": Visiter Showbie pour le lien à une chanson française et deux questions de discussion.

Production écrite: Biographies
Visiter le blog post d'hier pour l'explication de vos tâches. (CLIQUEZ ICI).


Concepts: Le système solaire - Les planètes.
* Célébrons le vendredi avec un filme! Visiter Showbie pour les questions et le lien au vidéo. Vous pouvez répondre aux questions sur une feuille de papier ou sous une autre forme qui vous convient.

Bonne journée! :)

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Bonjour les élèves!
Bienvenue à jour 3 de notre apprentissage! :)

Fait de la semaine: Les étoiles de mer n'ont pas de cerveau.


Concepts: Nous allons continuer à travailler la priorité des opérations (PEDMAS).
*Les réponses de la feuille que vous avez fait hier sont maintenant affichées en Showbie. Corriger vos réponses. Si vous avez des questions que vous aimeriez réviser avec moi, afficher une note en Showbie.
* Continuer à travailler votre 'Page à colorier' et le 'Page défi' de hier. (À remettre pour demain (vendredi).)
* Prêt pour le défi? Visiter CE SITE pour tester vos habiletés. Bonne chance!

Calcul Mental: Multiplication.
* Nous allons travailler une nouvelle stratégie de multiplication. Suivre les étapes comme démontré. 
(Les directives étaient aussi envoyé à la maison en anglais).
* Après avoir compléter les questions 1 à 10, visiter Showbie pour les réponses.
* En suite, compléter Section A pour demain (vendredi).
* Typo on question 8. The question should be: 3 x 252.
(But, try 43 x 252 if you'd like a challenge!)

Question des 7: Voici une autre indice pour vous aider avec la question "Combien de 7s?"


Compréhension Orale: Vraiment Top!
* Visiter le dossier "À l'écoute: Vraiment Top" en Showbie pour votre tâche.

Production Écrite: Les biographies.
Aujourd'hui, nous allons reprendre nos textes de biographies. Pour ceux qui étaient à l'école la semaine passée, nous avons écrit le 3e paragraphe ensemble, mais vous allez voir que le texte a beaucoup changé!
* Visiter Showbie: "FC - Ressources: Biographies 3e paragraphe." Lire le note et visionner les vidéos qui sont affichés là.
Vos buts d'aujourd'hui et demain sont les suivants:
1. Compléter (écrire et réviser) vos trois paragraphes de corps. Vous devriez avoir: un paragraphe de l'enfance, un paragraphe des actions/accomplissements, et un paragraphe soit des idées/inspirations, soit des impacts. L'inspiration personnelle va nous en servir dans la conclusion. (Nous allons travailler l'intro et la conclusion après les vacances de printemps.)
2. Une fois que vous avez terminé votre écriture, il faut maintenant relire votre texte pour identifier les verbes; surtout les verbes qui décrivent le passé. Vous allez utiliser l'imparfait et/ou le passé composé dans vos textes. Mme a affiché un vidéo en Showbie qui démontre le processus. 
(Showbie: "FC - Ressources: Les verbes - Biographies")
3. En utilisant les ressources affichées en Showbie commencer à corriger vos verbes. La lecture de ton texte à haute-voix peut être très utile; nos oreilles peuvent souvent entendre les fautes et peuvent nous guider avec la correction!
4. Réviser votre texte entier le mieux qui vous pouvez. Les ressources en Showbie et les sites de,, et sont de bonnes ressources qui peuvent vous guider.
** Si vous avez des questions spécifiques, ou si vous êtes pris ("stuck") envoyer moi un message en Showbie ("Français - Questions Écriture Biographies") et je peux vous aider!
Bon écriture!


* La lecture ou des activités en Français - quotidiennement! *

1. MT: Questions Calcul Mental Section A - demain (vendredi)
2. FC: À l'écoute: Vraiment Top - demain (vendredi)
3. FC: Écriture de paragraphe 3 et la révision des verbes - par la fin de demain (vendredi)
4. MT: Page à colorier - demain (vendredi)
5. MT: Page de défi - demain (vendredi)
6. MT: Question "Combien de 7s" - demain (vendredi)
7. FC: CFOO #8 - le mardi 7 avril

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Bonjour les élèves!
Bienvenue à jour 2 de notre apprentissage! :)

Fait de la semaine: Les étoiles de mer n'ont pas de cerveau.


Concepts: Nous allons continuer à travailler la priorité des opérations (PEDMAS).
*Les réponses de la feuille que vous avez fait hier sont maintenant affichées en Showbie. Corriger vos réponses. Si vous avez des questions que vous aimeriez réviser avec moi, afficher une note en Showbie.
* Chercher la feuille ci-dessous. (C'est le verso de la feuille que vous avez travailler hier.)
Il faut faire seulement 5 questions de votre choix. Vérifier en Showbie pour des exemples si vous n'êtes pas certains où commencer. À compléter par demain (jeudi).

Après que vous avez complété vos cinq questions, chercher la page ci-dessous et commencer à colorier! Soyez patient! Il y a un photo secret qui cache là-dedans. 
À compléter par vendredi (jeudi).

Si vous avez travaillé en avance et a déjà fini le dessin, essayer le défi suivant (aussi dans vos livrets d'apprentissage). Si vous pouvez les résoudre, afficher une photo en Showbie!

Question des 7: Voici une indice pour vous aider avec la question "Combien de 7s?"
Une autre indice sera affiché demain.


Pensée Critique:
* Chercher ton petit livret violet. Ouvre-le à la deuxième page.
La question est: Est-ce qu’on devrait avoir des classes séparées pour les filles et garçons?
* Prendre ton temps pour bien réfléchir avant d'écrire. Réviser bien ton écriture pour assurer que tes phrases sont complètes. N'oublie pas la structure "OREO" (ou OREREO)!
*Prendre une photo de ta réponse et envoyer-la à Showbie. À remettre par demain (jeudi).

Production Orale: CFOO est de retour!
* Aujourd'hui, tu vas continuer la préparation de CFOO #8 - Créativité.
Les directives et ressources sont affichées en Showbie. À remettre par le mardi 7 avril.


Concepts: Le système solaire et les extra-terrestres
Visiter pour visionner ces deux vidéos: "le système solaire" et "les extra-terrestres."
Les directives et les mots de passe pour BrainPop sont en Showbie.
À compléter par demain (jeudi).


* La lecture ou des activités en Français - quotidiennement! *
1. MT: Questions de PEDMAS - demain (jeudi)
2. FC: Compréhension orale (La poule) - demain (jeudi)
3. FC: Question pensée critique - demain (jeudi)
4. MT: Page à colorier - vendredi
5. MT: Question "Combien de 7s" - vendredi
6. FC: CFOO #8 - le mardi 7 avril

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

And, here we go!

Hello! Happy Tuesday!
It's the first day of our Home-Learning Adventure!
For some of you, this may be your first visit to our classroom blog. If so, welcome!
For our faithful blog followers, welcome to Version 2.0 - our new home-learning hub!

As explained in my email at the end of last week, this is where I'll be posting daily and weekly learning goals and explaining where to access all learning supports required. Some activities will be "handed in," while others will be for you to explore and work on at home at a pace that works for you and your family. At the bottom of each post will be an "Agenda" section as per usual. That is where the daily tasks and due dates will be summarized.

There will no doubt be bumps in the road over the next while while we learn how to navigate distance learning together. Take your time, reread instructions, try your best and if you're stuck, please email me or send a note in Showbie attached to the assignment on which you may be working. After the first few days we'll figure out what works best for us and move on from there. Adventures aren't always easy, but they allow us to try new things and possibly learn more about ourselves than we once knew!

Let's get started! :)


Bonjour, mes amis! Bienvenue à votre premier jour d'apprentissage par distance! :)

Fait de la semaine: Les étoiles de mer n'ont pas de cerveau.


Concepts: Nous allons continuer à travailler la priorité des opérations (PEDMAS).
* Cliquer ICI pour écouter la chanson PEDMAS!
* Chercher la feuille ci-dessous et compléter les questions. Il faut seulement compléter le premier côté de la page, comme démontré. À compléter par demain (mercredi).

Résolution de problème: Trouver un endroit où vous pouvez écrire avec votre stylo Expo. Après avoir travaillé la question (la collaboration avec vos familles est certainement encouragé!) envoyer un photo de votre travail à Showbie. Il y a un dossier là pour vos photos. Cette question est ouverte jusqu'à vendredi.
À noter: Ce n'est pas nécessaire d'arriver à une réponse finale; travailler la question pour voir qu'est-ce que vous remarquer. Une réponse finale est un boni... mais si tu en-trouves, super!

Voici la question:
Combien de 7s?
Si vous écrivez les nombres 1 à 1000, combien de fois écrirez-vous le nombre 7? Explorez.
How Many 7s ?
If you write out the numbers from 1 to 1000, how many times will you write the number 7? Explore.


Production Compréhension Orale: La Poule
* Chercher ton petit livret violet. * Visiter Showbie pour écouter le texte. * Répondre aux questions.
* Prendre une photo de tes réponses et envoyer-la à Showbie. À remettre par jeudi.

Production Orale: CFOO est de retour!
* Aujourd'hui, tu vas commencer la préparation de CFOO #8 - Créativité.
Les directives et ressources sont affichées en Showbie. À remettre par le mardi 7 avril.


Concepts: Les saisons, les solstices et les équinoxes!
Malgré tout ce qui se passe, le printemps est arrivé! Visiter pour visionner les deux vidéos:
"Les saisons" et "Les solstices et les équinoxes." Les directives et les mots de passe pour BrainPop sont en Showbie. À compléter par demain (mercredi).


* La lecture ou des activités en Français - quotidiennement! *
1. SN: Vidéos de Showbie - demain (mercredi)
2. MT: Questions de PEDMAS - demain (mercredi)
3. FC: Compréhension orale (La poule) - jeudi
4. MT: Question "Combien de 7s" - vendredi
5. FC: CFOO #8 - le mardi 7 avril

Friday, March 20, 2020

See you soon...

Hello, friends of learning!

What a strange week we've had. From preparing to jump right into Term 3, to learning our schools will be suspending classes; to experiencing classes greatly reduced in numbers, to leaving school today not quite sure when we'll all be together again.

This week has taught us that so much can change in an instant - and that in times like this, we need to truly value the things and people closest to us.

Thank you to the #smallbutmighty group that worked so hard and brought me so much joy at school this week. Thank you to the families who sent such kind words of support and encouragement via email. Thank you to those that reached out to check in about upcoming learning plans; your care and concern about your child's continued growth and education over the coming weeks is incredible. And thank you - all of you - for your continued patience, anticipated support and continued hard work as we move on to our Home-Learning Adventure
together as a team.

I will miss seeing you everyday and look forward to connecting with you digitally as we keep on keepin' on...

Be well.
💚 Mme Careen

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Hello, everyone!
We had another great morning with our #smallbutmighty class today!

In Math, we completed Order of Operations learning centres!

Here is one of the questions we worked on:

In Français, after our daily reading time, we created our own Kahoots!
Our guidelines were:
- 2 Math questions
- 2 Science questions
- 2 Français questions
- 2 ELA questions
- 2-3 questions about ourselves!

This was a new activity for some of us, but we worked together and figured it out!
We will play our Kahoots in class tomorrow! We can't wait! :)

Have a great afternoon, everyone! :)


* Please see THIS LINK for information about Showbie set-up. Thanks! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Special "Homework" Task

Good evening, learning friends!
I am hoping you all received my email home earlier this afternoon with some more info about our upcoming suspension of classes, which I have taken to calling our "Home-Learning Adventure!"

As noted in the email, I am asking all students to take a couple of minutes over the next day or two to log in to Showbie from home on a device to which they will have access over the coming weeks. Once logged in, students should notice the new assignment, "Bonjour! Home Learning Check In!." Replying to the class note posted in this task will let me know they are "in" and ready for learning.
(They may also notice that I've re-named our group and have added folders. I am starting to think ahead to how we can best manage all that we'll be working on from home in the next while and figured we'd give this way a try as a start... 🤞).

If you will not have regular access to the internet or a device (computer, tablet, smart phone) once we move into our Home-Learning-Adventure time, please send me an email as soon as possible so that I can begin preparing a Plan B.

Thank you all for your continued patience and support. 🙂


Hello, friends of learning!
We had another great morning here in Room 208!

In Math, we worked in randomized groups of two at the white boards on an Order of Operations of question.
"Write an equation, with four 4s and any math operations you would like, that equals each number from 0 to 16."

Here's at look at what we found...

In Français, after our daily reading time, we did a shared write for the third paragraph of our Biography text, and in Science we played a "Kahoot" about vertebrates and a few other Kahoots, just for fun!
(And... this morning, Mme Careen learned that you can change the genre of music on the Kahoot, which was especially exciting for her! 🙂 )

Have a great afternoon! :)


1. We are starting to learn more about what our upcoming 'learning from home' might look like. I am hoping to send an email out to all families later today or tomorrow with more info. Thank you for your continued patience as we work through this unique time together. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hello families!
Happy Tuesday!

We had a great morning together! A little bit of St Patrick's Day fun thrown in with our learning!

Today's highlights:
In Math, we solved PEDMAS questions to reveal a secret message and played a "As-tu de la chance?" game with a partner. (And there was a delicious 'lucky' snack at the end, too! Yum!)
In Science, we learned a bit more about the Animal kingdom, specifically the Vertebrates group.
In Français we did a "Peux-tu penser à" activity, where was had to think of green things in 11 different categories. Can you think of a green flower, animal, fruit, costume, vegetable?

☘ Happy St Patrick's Day! ☘

Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday - The First Day of Term 3!

Happy Monday!
Happy Term 3!
We were a small but mighty group this morning!

In Math, we worked in teams to solve a PEDMAS puzzle!

In Science, we started leaning about the Animal Kingdom.

In Français, we listened to a "Vraiment Top" - 5 espèces d'animaux menacées

Wishing you all a great week!


1. Reading  - in French and English - is always a great idea!
2. Spend some time outside!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Last Day of Term 2!

Congratulations! We made it!
Term 2 is done and we are ready for a great Term-3-start on Monday!

Have a great weekend! :)


1. Reading  - in French and English - is always a great idea!
2. Spend some time outside!
3. Good luck to all the athletes out there - hockey playoffs, curling match-ups, dance competitions, soccer games, and more! Go team!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Thanks for a GREAT Evening of Learning!

We came, we saw, we celebrated!
Thank you to all families who joined us this evening for our Celebration of Learning!

Have a great night! :)

See You This Evening!

Happy Wednesday!
The end of Term 2 countdown is on.
1 more day to show our best learning before report cards!

Our morning was a busy one!
In Math, we did our calcul mental and 'nombre du jour' assessments.
We also listened to THIS great Math rap song. Enjoy! :)

In Français, we did a listening activity, prepared for a critical thinking response and worked on our Biography texts.

Finally, in Science, we learned a bit more about plants - what are their unique characteristics and what are some examples?


1. Celebration of Learning evening - TONIGHT! (4:45 - 7:00)
No appointment needed! Stop by at anytime throughout the evening to celebrate your child's learning in all of his/her subject areas!
* See you soon! *

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday Agenda Items


1. Evaluation Calcul - Soustraire les 8s et 9s - Wednesday
2. "Nombre du Jour" assessment - Wednesday
3. Celebration of Learning evening - Wednesday (4:45 - 7:00)
* No appointment needed! Stop by at anytime throughout the evening to celebrate your child's learning in all of his/her subject areas! *

Monday, March 9, 2020

Happy Monday!

Hello, learning friends!
Welcome to the last week of Term 2!

We are looking forward to a busy week of learning, and are looking forward to sharing some of what we've been up to at our Celebration of Learning evening on Wednesday.

Today in Math we: corrected our calcul mental homework, reviewed our "Nombre du jour" work and also reviewed the revisions we made to the problem-solving samples we looked at in class last week. We made Attempt #2 at our PEDMAS challenge and tackled a few new order of operations questions as a class.

In Français, after our daily reading time, we studied the verb tense used in our biography texts we are currently using in the writing of our own texts. We noticed that the verbs ended with "ait" or "aient" which indicated the "imparfait" verb tense. Imparfait is one of the verb tenses we use when writing about events that happened in the past. We will begin applying this verb tense to our writing as we move forward in our writing this week.

Finally, in Science, we are trying to grow Fungi! Today, using two types of bread sealed in plastic Ziploc bags and water, we began a week-long experiment that will have us making daily observations as to whether or not we can grow bread mould (mould is an example of a living thing in the Fungi Kingdom). We used water in two of the bread samples to create a humid environment which often encourages mould growth.
Stay tuned to see how our experiment progresses!  :)


1. Term 2 Problem-solving assessment activity - tomorrow (Tuesday).
* Students can't really study for this activity - they will be independently completing a problem-solving question which will ask them to choose a strategy and show all of their work in a clear, organized way. This will help us see where we are currently at and will help us create specific problem-solving goals for Term 3.
2. Evaluation Calcul - Soustraire les 8s et 9s - Wednesday
3. "Nombre du Jour" assessment - Wednesday
4. Celebration of Learning evening - Wednesday (4:45 - 7:00)
* No appointment needed! Stop by at anytime throughout the evening to celebrate your child's learning in all of his/her subject areas! *

Friday, March 6, 2020

We Read Canadian Authors!

"I Love to Read" month may be over, but, at École Ness, our LOVE of reading never stops!
The Ness staff are SO excited to share their favourite Canadian authors with you!
Please be sure to visit our bulletin board during our Celebration of Learning evening next week.
You might just find a few new titles for your Spring Break reading list! :)


Put your thinking caps on and solve these expressions:

1.   2 + 5 x 3
2.   10 - 3 x 3
3.   3 x 8 - 7 x 2
4.   9 + 9 ➗ 3

Did you get the following answers?

1. 17   2. 1   3. 10   4. 12

These same questions sure had us thinking first thing this morning! 

To help us all arrive at the same answer, we've added a new skill to our Math arsenal: 
"la priorité des opérations" (aka PEDMAS!)

The acronym PEDMAS helps us remember the order of operations 
when we are evaluating a Math expression or equation.
After exploring a few questions together as a class, we worked with a partner to solve a few additional equations. 

We will continue exploring the order of operations through a variety of activities next week. 
We're hoping we'll be ready to challenge you to a few tasks at our upcoming Celebration of Learning evening Wednesday of next week! Stay tuned! :)


1. Section B Calcul Mental - Monday
2. Recherche concours - ongoing
*A few students have decided to bring their Biography article, graphic organizer and Français journal home this weekend to put in some additional research/writing time. We will continue to work on our writing next week in class, but some students felt they needed additional time to complete their first two paragraphs. Once we've had a bit more work time, a more definite timeline will be set.
Please check in with your child to see how their writing is coming along. Thank you. :)

Have a nice weekend! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday Agenda Items


1. Section B Calcul Mental - Monday
2. Recherche concours - ongoing

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wednesday Agenda Items


1. Section B Calcul Mental - tomorrow (Thursday)
2. Recherche concours - ongoing

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Hello, Tuesday!

We had another busy morning of learning in Room 208 today!

In Math, after reviewing the assessment outline for our upcoming "les nombres entiers" assessment, we learned a new mental math strategy, which, in fact, is quite similar to the last one we practiced. We are still noticing 8s and 9s, but this time with subtraction. This strategy is especially handy when dealing with money, since many prices often end in 0,98$ or 0,99$. Please ask me about this strategy!

In Français today, after we finished our shared write about Shamsia Hassani, we had our very first writing block to get started on our own biography writing. Many of us dove right in and were able to accomplish quite a bit! Over the next few days, we will continue sharing our time between shared writes (where Mme holds the pen and models how to write a paragraph with our guidance) and our independent writing. Our goal by the end of the week is to have our three body paragraphs written so that next week we can focus on the intro and conclusion, as well as the editing process.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates as the week progresses!

We finished our morning with Science and, after we had a chance to celebrate three more Science projects, we learned a bit more about le règne Monère. Next up will be Protiste and Mycète (Fungi). Please ask me what makes the Monera kingdom unique from the others.


1. Math assessment "les nombres entiers" - tomorrow (Wednesday)
2. Section A Calcul Mental - Thursday
3. Recherche concours - ongoing

Monday, March 2, 2020

Happy Monday!

Hello, learning friends!

We jumped right in to learning this morning! We have a lot on our to-do list from now until the end of Term 2 (which is only 9 days away! Yikes!)

In Math, we took time to mark our "Nombres entiers" work that we completed last week, and also worked at the white board to solve a new word problem. Our focus with this word problem will be HOW we organize our work; what steps we followed and how our work is presented.

Next up in Science, we started the next part of our "Diversity of Living Things" unit. Over the next week, we will be looking at the 5 Kingdoms of Living Things and discussing the unique characteristics associated with each Kingdom. Today we started with Kingdom Monera.

Finally, in Français, after our daily reading time, we started the shared write for our biography concours/speech. Mme modeled the writing of her first paragraph using the research she completed on Afghanistan graffiti artist Shamsia Hassani. Using the information from her graphic organizer, she was able to quickly pull the information she had already written and put it into paragraph form using our ideas to guide the process. We will begin writing our first paragraphs in class tomorrow. We can't wait to get started! :)


1. Recherche - concours.
2. Math assessment on "les nombres entiers" - Wednesday.