Monday, April 20, 2020

Welcome, Week 4!

Hello, home-learning superstars! Happy Monday! :)
I'm looking forward to another great week of learning from afar!

New this week: Some folders have been reorganized in Showbie and more 'due dates' have been added.
"Where did all of the "old" assignments go? I wasn't quite done..." you may ask. Or, maybe you're thinking, "Mme, I didn't have time to finish that task last week and now it's late. 🙁"
Don't worry! They assignments are still there! Please visit the Showbie folders "Vieux travaux" to hand in any tasks posted in weeks 1 and 2. And, please, please, please note: IT IS NOT TOO LATE to work on any of these items! I just needed to relocate some older items because the current folders were getting a bit too full and hard for me to manage. Also, some families commented on not being sure of what to work on next since nothing had a due date and didn't realize items had to be handed in. 
Starting today, if/when you do submit something that has now been moved to a "vieux travaux" folder, please drop me a note in Showbie to let me know that something's been added so that I can assess it and get back to you. (I will not be checking this folder regularly so will not see your work unless you let me know!)
I hope this makes sense! If not, send me a note so we can work through it together. :)

Continuing this week: Showbie - open discussions.
Monday - TODAY! Pop in to say hello and to share about your weekend between 10:30 - 11:00.
Tuesday - Open Math discussion. 10:30 - 11:00
Thursday - Open Français discussion 10:30 - 11:00.

Hopefully coming soon: Face-to-face interaction using Microsoft TEAMS.
Please stay tuned for more info - I am trying to figure out all of this new-to-me technology as fast as I can!

And, here we go! Welcome Week 4! :)

le lundi 20 avril

Fait de la semaine: Si tu dépensais un dollar chaque seconde, il te faudrait environ 32 ans pour dépenser un milliard de dollars.

**A special announcement from Mme Schmidt (Écologie humaine):
Hi 6-4! If you haven't had a chance to sign up for our Showbie class, please use code 7U7PU. Looking forward to connecting with you there! :)

**A special announcement from Mme Cliteur (Art):
Hi 6-4 Art students! A reminder to please take time to check-in to our Art Showbie class to see all the great art tasks being posted. Thanks!


Concepts: Polygones, Périmètre et l'Aire!
Nous continuons avec notre unité de géométrie aujourd'hui.
Visiter le dossier "Mathématiques - Concepts; 20 + 21 avril - Leçon: Le périmètre" en Showbie pour vos instructions. Vous aurez besoin les feuilles ci-dessous.
{We are continuing with our Math geometry unit today. We are continuing our lessons on perimeter. Visit Showbie:"Mathématiques - Concepts; 20 + 21 avril - Leçon: Le périmètre" for more instructions. You'll need the sheets shown below for today's lesson.}

Résolution de problèmes: À rattraper!
Si vous n'avez pas encore complété la question de "Kim et les bonbons" essayer de la compléter cette semaine! Si vous l'avez déjà fini, retourner et essayer les questions "1,2,3,4" et "Combien de 7s" avec votre marqueur Expo!

{ If you haven't yet finished and submitted the question "Kim et les bonbons" please try to finish it this week. If you are already finished, scroll back and try the questions "1,2,3,4" and "How Many 7s" with your Expo marker! }

LaLaLa: La lecture indépendante guidée
* Visiter le site "Je lis" pour compléter votre lecture quotidienne. Visiter Showbie pour votre log-in info si n'avez pas encore visiter le site.
{Daily reading with the "Je lis" site. Visit Showbie for log-in info.}

Écriture - Biographie: 
C'est le moment d'écrire nos introductions pour nos biographies!
Les nouvelles ressources sont maintenant affichées en Showbie (Français - Écriture : Biographie - Introduction). Un grand merci à Mme Scham qui a encore partagé ses vidéos et ressources d'écriture avec nous pour cette semaine! Prendre le temps pour bien les lire et les écouter afin d'avoir une bonne idée des critères. Ce n'est pas nécessaire à ce moment d'afficher vos textes en Showbie. Plus d'information au sujet de comment nous allons taper nos brouillons va être partagé plus tard cette semaine.
{ We are moving ahead with introduction-writing for our biography texts this week. New resources have been posted in Showbie to guide students through this process when they are ready.  A big thank you once again to Mme Scham who is sharing her resources with us! The goal by the end of the week will be to have three revised body paragraphs, a revised conclusion AND a written and revised introduction. With the exception of daily reading, and one additional video response activity, no other new tasks will be assigned in Français this week to allow students to focus on their writing task. Submitting in Showbie is not necessary at this time. More instructions of how we will be typing up our rough drafts will be posted later next week. }

Nous allons commencer notre exploration du système solaire aujourd'hui! Visiter Showbie "Exploration du système solaire" pour l'information au sujet de TinyBop et prend du temps aujourd'hui pour naviguer le site comme démontrer dans le vidéo. Les feuilles affichées ci-dessous seront nécessaire plus tard dans ton explorations.
{We will be starting our Science Space exploration with "Tinybop" today!
Please visit Showbie "Exploration du système solaire" for log-in information and take time today to explore the "Space" section of the website as shown in the tutorial video. The sheets posted below will be necessary as you move further along in your exploration.}

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